Distracted Driving Awareness

🚨 Distracted driving is a serious issue that affects countless lives. As lawyers, we’ve witnessed the devastating consequences firsthand. Let’s make a change together. Spread the word about the importance of driving without distractions. Share this post to help keep our roads safe. 💛🚘

Did you know?

• Each year, about 3,000 lives are lost due to distracted driving.

• Distracted driving accounts for about 8% of fatal car accidents.

• Young drivers, especially those aged 25 to 34, are more prone to distracted driving accidents.

• Drivers spend an average of 1:38 minutes on their phones per hour of driving.

• Almost all states have laws against texting and driving, with 27 banning hand-held cell phones while driving altogether.

If you have been in a car accident contact us today to speak with an attorney right away. You can reach us through ravosalaw.com.

This is only intended to be information and does not constitute legal advice, nor does it create any attorney-client relationship with the firm.

Today is National Falls Prevention Day

With changing temperatures come seasonal hazards, so we wanted to pass along some tips to help keep you and your loved ones safe and injury-free:

  1. Watch your step: Be cautious when walking on wet or slippery surfaces, especially after rain or when leaves accumulate. Walking at a slower pace and taking smaller steps will help you maintain stability.
  2. Clear your paths: Keep your sidewalks and driveways clear of leaves, debris, or potential obstacles. Regularly sweep or rake them to prevent accidents for yourself and others in your neighborhood.
  3. Wear appropriate footwear: Choose footwear with good traction and non-slip soles. Avoid high heels or shoes with smooth bottoms that may increase the risk of slipping.
  4. Proper lighting: As the days grow shorter, ensure that outdoor areas are well-lit to improve visibility during the evening and early morning hours.

If you or someone you know has suffered injuries due to a slip and fall incident, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our attorneys specialize in personal injury law and can provide guidance and support in navigating legal matters related to claims like these and others. 

Even if you’re not sure an accident was a “slip and fall,” call our office. We have attorneys happy to listen and offer their expertise.

Tips to Stay Safe in Hot Temps

With today’s current hot temperatures across Massachusetts, I wanted to share some critical information about the current extreme heat wave affecting our area. With temperatures soaring, it’s essential to take steps to keep ourselves, our pets, and our loved ones safe and cool.

Here are some valuable tips and reminders to help you beat the heat:

  1. Stay hydrated – Drink plenty of water throughout the day, even if you don’t feel thirsty. Dehydration can happen quickly, and it’s especially important for children and the elderly to stay hydrated.
  2. Protect your pets – Ensure your furry friends can access fresh, cool water at all times. Try not to let them outside for too long, and avoid taking them for a walk during the hottest hours of the day. Also, never leave pets in parked vehicles, even for a short time, as temperatures can rise rapidly. In fact, 80% of the increase in a vehicle’s inside temperature happens in the first 10 minutes.
  3. Dress smart – Opt for lightweight, light-colored clothing that reflects the sun’s rays. Remember to wear sunscreen and a hat for added protection.
  4. Seek cool spaces – If you don’t have air conditioning at home, spend time in air-conditioned public places like shopping malls, libraries, or community centers. Alternatively, visit friends or family who have cooling facilities available.
  5. Take cool showers – Lower your body temperature by taking cool showers or baths. Use damp towels or mist sprays to keep cool throughout the day.
  6. Limit outdoor activities – Avoid strenuous activities during the hottest parts of the day. If you must be outside, take frequent breaks in shaded areas and stay hydrated.

Remember, heat-related illnesses can be dangerous. In recent years, heat-related ailments, including heat exhaustion and heat stroke, have been on the rise, underlining the need to take precautions during this hot weather.

Please share these tips with your loved ones, friends, and colleagues to help keep our community safe and cool as we navigate this intense weather.

Dangers of Driving in the Dark

Ultimately, three main factors drive this increased risk:impaired vision, fatigue, and the daily rush hour. 

Let’s start with impaired vision: All humans have trouble seeing at night, but healthy eyes should adapt to the darkness. Unfortunately, conditions like nearsightedness make this adaptation less effective, causing additional issues with night vision.

Add to this the increased brightness of headlights, streetlights of varying colors competing with headlights, and the reduced peripheral vision we all experience, and you have a recipe for many drivers seeing less–and seeing it less clearly. 

Safety Tip – You can combat impaired vision by:

  • Dimming your dashboard to reduce conflicting light.
  • Making sure your headlights and windshield are clean.
  • Not looking directly at oncoming headlights.
  • Wearing anti-reflective glasses. 

Fatigue: When the sun goes down, we are predisposed to become sleepy. Research shows that drowsy driving can be just as dangerous as drunk driving. Because it is hard to test for drowsiness, it can also easily go undetected, leading to accidents. 

Safety Tip – Prevent drowsy driving by:

  • Making sure you are getting seven hours of sleep or more.
  • Never driving when you’ve been awake longer than 16 hours. 
  • Stopping every two hours to rest when taking long trips. 
  • Pulling over if you feel at all sleepy – no matter how inconvenient doing so feels. 

Rush Hour

While rush hour is always a dangerous time on the road, the earlier sunset can make it even riskier, given the issues noted above. 

Safety Tip –To stay safe during a fall/winter rush hour:

  • Be sure to drive slowly. (Keep in mind the risk of black ice increases when temperatures drop at night, and it can be hard to spot.)
  • Try to curb impatience as it creeps up on you during the busiest hours of the day.
  • Avoid texting or eating while driving. 
  • Don’t let yourself go on autopilot; stay alert and be extra cautious when changing lanes.

If you or a loved one are in an accident, don’t wait to find out your options. Contact our office right away.

Spring Safety Tips – Personal Injury

Here’s some quick guidance on common spring injuries and how to prevent them so you can take full advantage of the season safely:

  • Tripping and falling over large rocks and roots. If you plan to take to the woods for a hike, be sure to wear sturdy shoes with good traction and watch where you step. Researching the trail you’re hiking ahead of time, bringing a friend or family member with you, and staying aware of obstacles can also help prevent injuries while in the great outdoors.
  • Accidents involving cars, pedestrians, and cyclists. If you’re out and about on foot or on a bike near traffic, be sure to wear reflective gear or bright clothing, use hand signals as often as possible, and follow the rules of the road to ensure you’re always visible to drivers. 
  • Cuts and scrapes from sharp tools. Have big plans for a garden this spring? Remember to be extra cautious any time you’re handling sharp equipment. Wearing gloves and other protective gear, keeping children away from gardening tools, and not leaving any equipment on the ground or unattended will keep the whole family safe while you reap the benefits of a green thumb.

In the event that you or someone you know suffers an injury this spring, prioritize medical care and reach out to me if any legal questions arise. I’m here to help you enjoy this season with peace of mind.

Fall Safety Tips

Fall is officially here, and while some of us don’t like to see summer end, others can’t wait for pumpkin spice season. No matter which camp you belong to, there are some inherent dangers that come with the changing of the seasons. I thought it might be helpful to list some common fall injuries so you can do your best to avoid them. 

  1. Burns – Every year, the country sees a substantial amount of fire-related injuries due to fire pit or bonfire use. To help avoid this, the EPA has put out a list of ways to reduce your chances of injuries. In addition to fire pit and bonfire related injuries, leaf burning also carries some risk. Here are some safety tips for burning leaves that both protect you and protect the space around the burning site. 
  2. Running injuries – When the weather cools down, many will start jogging, either by habit or in the attempt to create a new one. In any case, uneven pavement or simple overuse can cause injuries. Make sure to run where there is plenty of light, and ease into your new routine to avoid injury. 
  3. Injuries caused by debris – Falling leaves, sticks, branches, and other debris caused by high autumn winds can wreak havoc. Leaves can cover potholes, ditches, and even sewers, causing individuals to fall. Be sure to watch where you step and take a second look at areas covered by leaves and other debris.
  4. Yard work – In addition to raking leaves, autumn also brings with it additional yard work that most of us avoid in the hotter months of the summer. From pulling weeds to cutting back bushes, many will find themselves laid up with back injuries and strains from doing too much in a day. Take it easy, take breaks, and try to space out your chores so you don’t overdo it. 
  5. Car accidents caused by school buses and drop off lines – With school back in session, you will no doubt come across stopped or slow-moving school buses, long drop off lines that extend into the main road, and children crossing the street. Be patient and leave extra time to get across town to allow for these delays. Being in a hurry puts you and the school children at risk.

I hope these tips help you protect you and your family this fall season. If you or anyone you know has been injured as a result of these (or other) issues, please don’t hesitate to reach out. 

Call our office today at 617-720-1101 to speak with an attorney right away.

For more information on our office visit ravosalawoffices.com.

Halloween Safety Tips

With Halloween around the corner, here are some tips to help you and your family stay safe and out of harm’s way as you trick-or-treat or gather with friends.

10 Tips for a Safe and Spooktacular Halloween

  1. Cross streets at corners, using traffic signals and crosswalks. Model for the kids looking left, right, and left again when crossing the road.
  2. Walk on sidewalks or paths. If there are no sidewalks, walk facing traffic.
  3. Trick-or-treat in groups. It’s more enjoyable for you and the kids and makes you more visible to drivers on the roads.
  4. When choosing costumes, steer your child away from ones with trailing fabrics that could cause trip and fall accidents. You also want to look for costumes made from flame-retardant materials.
  5. Enhance visibility by carrying flashlights, wearing glow necklaces, or placing reflective tape on clothing. 
  6. Pay attention. Take a few photos and videos of the kids before heading out of the house, but then put your phone away and stay aware of what’s happening around you.
  7. If your child doesn’t know your phone number by heart, purchase a phone number bracelet or write it on an index card and slip it in their treat bag. It will be crucial if the two of you get separated. 
  8. If you stay home to pass out candy, restrain dogs and other pets, so they don’t jump on or bite a trick-or-treater.
  9. If you must drive in a residential area during trick-or-treating hours, please slow way down and be on high alert for children darting into the road. 
  10. If you attend an adult-only costume party, do not drink and drive. If you drink, catch a ride with a friend, call an Uber, or consider an overnight stay. 

Stay safe this Halloween, and, as always, let me know if you or anyone you know needs legal guidance. That’s why we’re here. 

If anyone in your family suffers an injury, call us right away to know what your legal options are. Contact us through our website at ravosalawoffices.com, or call us at 617-720-1101.

Summer Safety Tips

Summertime is here–and with the warm air and long days come a unique set of safety risks that are important to be aware of.

To help you and your family enjoy a full season of outdoor activities and adventure, we want to take a moment to cover some of the most common summer injuries and how to avoid them:

  • Water injuries. No matter how accomplished of a swimmer you or your loved ones claim to be, there is always risk associated with water activities. Make sure to take precautions to keep yourself and those around you safe in pools and lakes. 
  • Bicycle wrecks. Bicycle injuries and deaths peak in the summer months, affecting males more than females. Taking the time to walk yourself through a checklist to help prevent wrecks will go a long way toward making your ride more enjoyable and injury free. 
  • ATV mishaps. Four wheelers and other off-road vehicles are a ton of fun, and many of them make their way out of garages and storage units as spring turns to summer. Unfortunately, they also introduce their own set of risks. Here are some tips to keep yourself safe this summer as you explore new terrain. 
  • Heat stroke. Heat strokes can come on fast and without much warning. Be sure you are drinking lots of water and find some shade intermittently if you are going to be outside in the heat for multiple hours. Watch closely for these signs of heat stroke so you can get help as soon as possible. 
  • Sports injuries. While many sports are year round these days, most sports related injuries still happen in the summer months. Use protective equipment and be extra careful if you’re at a higher risk for injury. 

As always, if you have questions or concerns about any injury you or a loved one incurs over the summer months (or any month of the year), please don’t hesitate to reach out. Visit our website today for more information.

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