Post Accident Trauma Check-In

With traffic busier than ever, we want to share some information about post-accident trauma so you can know what to do if you or a loved one ever struggles with the mental and emotional effects of a car accident. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • According to the American Psychological Association, car accidents are the leading cause of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among the general (non-military) population.
  • Symptoms of PTSD after an accident include:
    • Ongoing feelings of uneasiness
    • Anxiety about driving or riding in a vehicle
    • Unwillingness to seek medical care
    • Feelings of stress, anger, or irritability 
    • Persistence nightmares or trouble sleeping
    • Ongoing flashbacks that are out of your control
  • If you have any of these symptoms after an automobile accident, I encourage you to see your physician and follow up with recommended specialists to receive treatment, just as you would with a physical injury. 

Also note that it is usually not in your best interest to immediately settle your accident case if you’re dealing with post-accident trauma. You and your team of health care providers need time to understand and diagnose the full scope of your injuries, including physical, emotional, and mental ailments.

If you experience are involved in an automobile accident, find out your options as soon as you can. Contact us today. Visit us at for more info, or call us at 617-720-1101.

Labor Day Road Trips – Accident Checklist

This summer has come with a rise in the number of drivers on the road far beyond pre-pandemic levels.

If you are planning a road trip this Labor Day weekend, we want you to feel in control and equipped as you head out—especially in the unfortunate event you find yourself in an auto accident this summer. To help, here’s a checklist of things for you to file away as you plan this year’s adventures:

  1. Stay calm. Check on the people in your vehicle, and call 911 if needed.
  2. Call the police and file a report. Take photos and videos of the scene if you’re able.
  3. Exchange contact information with the other driver(s) and witnesses.
  4. Contact your insurance company to file a claim and inquire about your coverage.
  5. Consult an attorney to assess whether you have a case against the at-fault driver.

An accident can certainly interrupt travel plans, but it doesn’t have to put an end to a road trip. If there are no significant injuries or damage to the vehicle, you can continue on your journey, knowing that your legal team is busy protecting you back home.

If you have legal questions or were unfortunately involved in a car accident, don’t wait to talk to a lawyer. Visit for how to contact us today.

Summer Safety Tips

Summertime is here–and with the warm air and long days come a unique set of safety risks that are important to be aware of.

To help you and your family enjoy a full season of outdoor activities and adventure, we want to take a moment to cover some of the most common summer injuries and how to avoid them:

  • Water injuries. No matter how accomplished of a swimmer you or your loved ones claim to be, there is always risk associated with water activities. Make sure to take precautions to keep yourself and those around you safe in pools and lakes. 
  • Bicycle wrecks. Bicycle injuries and deaths peak in the summer months, affecting males more than females. Taking the time to walk yourself through a checklist to help prevent wrecks will go a long way toward making your ride more enjoyable and injury free. 
  • ATV mishaps. Four wheelers and other off-road vehicles are a ton of fun, and many of them make their way out of garages and storage units as spring turns to summer. Unfortunately, they also introduce their own set of risks. Here are some tips to keep yourself safe this summer as you explore new terrain. 
  • Heat stroke. Heat strokes can come on fast and without much warning. Be sure you are drinking lots of water and find some shade intermittently if you are going to be outside in the heat for multiple hours. Watch closely for these signs of heat stroke so you can get help as soon as possible. 
  • Sports injuries. While many sports are year round these days, most sports related injuries still happen in the summer months. Use protective equipment and be extra careful if you’re at a higher risk for injury. 

As always, if you have questions or concerns about any injury you or a loved one incurs over the summer months (or any month of the year), please don’t hesitate to reach out. Visit our website today for more information.

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