Importance of Uninsured Motorist Coverage

Unfortunately, accidents involving drivers who do not have insurance are common, as millions of Americans drive without insurance. 🚗 In such cases, Uninsured Motorist Coverage (UM) is critical. Given this risk, we strongly recommend reviewing your UM coverage limits.

UM coverage is especially beneficial after hit-and-run incidents involving stolen vehicles, which are all too common. Because the driver is unknown, legal action is often not possible. In such cases, UM coverage covers medical expenses, lost wages, and other related damages, which would otherwise fall heavily on the victim.

If you have questions about uninsured motorists or about your options in accident scenarios, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We are here to be a resource for you and your family. You can reach us at

This is only intended to be information and does not constitute legal advice, nor does it create any attorney-client relationship with the firm.

Distracted Driving Awareness

🚨 Distracted driving is a serious issue that affects countless lives. As lawyers, we’ve witnessed the devastating consequences firsthand. Let’s make a change together. Spread the word about the importance of driving without distractions. Share this post to help keep our roads safe. 💛🚘

Did you know?

• Each year, about 3,000 lives are lost due to distracted driving.

• Distracted driving accounts for about 8% of fatal car accidents.

• Young drivers, especially those aged 25 to 34, are more prone to distracted driving accidents.

• Drivers spend an average of 1:38 minutes on their phones per hour of driving.

• Almost all states have laws against texting and driving, with 27 banning hand-held cell phones while driving altogether.

If you have been in a car accident contact us today to speak with an attorney right away. You can reach us through

This is only intended to be information and does not constitute legal advice, nor does it create any attorney-client relationship with the firm.

Child Passenger Safety Week – September 17-23

This week is Child Passenger Safety Week, taking place from September 17-23. During this week, we’re committed to providing you with vital information and actionable tips to ensure the safety of your smallest passengers.

First, a few key facts:

4 Tips to Ensure Child Passenger Safety

  1. Select the right car seat: Use a rear-facing car seat for infants and toddlers until they reach the maximum weight or height limit specified by the manufacturer. Move to a forward-facing car seat with a harness when your child outgrows the rear-facing seat and then to a booster seat until they can properly fit in a seat belt–usually around 4 feet 9 inches tallGet custom guidance here
  2. Install the car seat properly: Follow the car seat manual and your vehicle’s owner’s manual for correct installation instructions. Ensure the car seat is securely installed and does not move more than one inch side-to-side or front-to-back. Place the car seat in the back seat, preferably in the middle.
  3. Insist on seat belt safety: Teach your children the importance of buckling up every time they get in the car and set a good example by wearing your seat belt. Ensure the seat belt fits properly: the lap belt should rest on the upper thighs, not the stomach, and the shoulder belt should cross the shoulder and chest, not the neck.
  4. Complete regular car seat checks: Take advantage of free car seat inspections by a certified Child Passenger Safety Technician to ensure your child’s seat is correctly installed.

By implementing these guidelines and staying informed, we can work together, this week and always, to significantly reduce risk and protect the most vulnerable in our community. 

If you have any questions about child passenger safety or any other legal matters, please don’t hesitate to give us a call. We’re here to do whatever we can to keep your family safe and secure.

Traffic Safety Month

As a firm that specializes in personal injury, we’ve seen the devastating impacts of unsafe traffic behavior far too often. That’s why, with National Traffic Safety Month upon us, we want to take this opportunity to offer some key safety tips for drivers and pedestrians. 

Driver Safety Tips:

  • Always wear your seatbelt and make sure all passengers do as well.
  • Follow the speed limit, and be sure to adjust your driving for weather and traffic conditions. (Sometimes, that means going under the speed limit!)
  • Stay focused on the road, avoid using your phone, and minimize other distractions.
  • Yield to pedestrians in crosswalks, and watch for people walking or bicycling in bike lanes.
  • Never drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Keep in mind you’re often much more impaired than you or others might think.
  • Not always sure who has the right of way at a stop sign? It’s easy to forget some traffic law nuances, so I recommend taking some time each year to review basic traffic rules. 

Pedestrian Safety Tips:

  • Always use sidewalks and crosswalks when available, and look both ways before crossing the street.
  • Make eye contact with drivers before crossing the street to ensure that they see you.
  • Avoid using electronic devices, such as smartphones or headphones, while crossing the street.
  • Wear reflective clothing or carry a flashlight when walking at dusk or night to increase visibility to drivers.
  • Teach children pedestrian safety rules and always accompany young children when crossing the street.

I hope that you find these tips useful and that you will join me in promoting traffic safety this month and throughout the year. And, of course, do not hesitate to reach out if you have any legal questions or needs.  

¿Qué hacer después de un accidente?

Estar involucrado en un accidente, ya sea un choque de autos o una caída, puede ser una experiencia estresante y traumática. Sin embargo, es esencial tomar las medidas necesarias para proteger sus derechos legales y preservar la evidencia que puede ser importante para cualquier reclamo o demanda futura. Aquí hay algunos pasos que debe tomar en la escena de un accidente:

  1. Llame al 911: Si usted o alguien más resulta herido, llame al 911 de inmediato. Incluso si no cree que está herido, es importante tener un registro oficial del accidente.
  2. Intercambie información: Si el accidente involucra a otra persona, intercambie información de contacto con ellos, incluyendo su nombre, número de teléfono e información de seguro. También anote la marca y modelo de su vehículo y su número de placa.
  3. Tome fotos y videos: Tome fotos y videos de la escena del accidente, incluyendo el daño a cualquier vehículo o propiedad, cualquier lesión y el área circundante. Esta evidencia puede ser valiosa para establecer la responsabilidad y la culpa más adelante.
  4. Obtenga información de los testigos: Si hubo testigos del accidente, obtenga su información de contacto también. Los testigos pueden proporcionar un testimonio importante en apoyo de su reclamo.
  5. No admita la culpa: Tenga cuidado de no admitir la culpa o disculparse en la escena del accidente, ya que esto puede ser utilizado en su contra más adelante en los procedimientos legales.
  6. Contacte a su compañía de seguros: Notifique a su compañía de seguros del accidente lo antes posible. Sea honesto y proporcione toda la información necesaria sobre el accidente.
  7. Busque atención médica: Incluso si no se siente herido, es importante buscar atención médica después de un accidente. Algunas lesiones pueden no ser inmediatamente aparentes, y retrasar el tratamiento médico puede empeorar sus lesiones y dañar su reclamo.
  8. Consulte a un abogado: Considere consultar con un abogado experimentado en lesiones personales lo antes posible. Un abogado puede proporcionar orientación sobre el proceso legal y ayudar a proteger sus derechos legales.

En conclusión, tomar las medidas apropiadas en la escena de un accidente puede ayudar a proteger sus derechos legales y aumentar la probabilidad de un reclamo o demanda exitosa. Recuerde mantener la calma, ser cortés y priorizar su seguridad y la seguridad de los demás. Siguiendo estos pasos, puede tomar el control de la situación y prepararse para un mejor resultado.

Dangers of Driving in the Dark

Ultimately, three main factors drive this increased risk:impaired vision, fatigue, and the daily rush hour. 

Let’s start with impaired vision: All humans have trouble seeing at night, but healthy eyes should adapt to the darkness. Unfortunately, conditions like nearsightedness make this adaptation less effective, causing additional issues with night vision.

Add to this the increased brightness of headlights, streetlights of varying colors competing with headlights, and the reduced peripheral vision we all experience, and you have a recipe for many drivers seeing less–and seeing it less clearly. 

Safety Tip – You can combat impaired vision by:

  • Dimming your dashboard to reduce conflicting light.
  • Making sure your headlights and windshield are clean.
  • Not looking directly at oncoming headlights.
  • Wearing anti-reflective glasses. 

Fatigue: When the sun goes down, we are predisposed to become sleepy. Research shows that drowsy driving can be just as dangerous as drunk driving. Because it is hard to test for drowsiness, it can also easily go undetected, leading to accidents. 

Safety Tip – Prevent drowsy driving by:

  • Making sure you are getting seven hours of sleep or more.
  • Never driving when you’ve been awake longer than 16 hours. 
  • Stopping every two hours to rest when taking long trips. 
  • Pulling over if you feel at all sleepy – no matter how inconvenient doing so feels. 

Rush Hour

While rush hour is always a dangerous time on the road, the earlier sunset can make it even riskier, given the issues noted above. 

Safety Tip –To stay safe during a fall/winter rush hour:

  • Be sure to drive slowly. (Keep in mind the risk of black ice increases when temperatures drop at night, and it can be hard to spot.)
  • Try to curb impatience as it creeps up on you during the busiest hours of the day.
  • Avoid texting or eating while driving. 
  • Don’t let yourself go on autopilot; stay alert and be extra cautious when changing lanes.

If you or a loved one are in an accident, don’t wait to find out your options. Contact our office right away.

Personal Injury Claims FYI

Despite our best planning and precautions, accidents happen from time to time–and when they do, being able to navigate the legalities of a personal injury claim while managing physical limitations, emotions, and medical bills can make a world of difference during the recovery process. 

In case you ever find yourself in a position to file a claim, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Hiring an attorney to represent you can help you recover significantly more compensation. Legal professionals have the expertise to negotiate on your behalf, and they understand the intricacies of valuing a claim.
  • Time is of the essence after an injury is sustained. Contacting legal representation as soon as you’re able after an accident prevents you from making mistakes that could cost you, such as sharing too much information with claims adjusters. Not only that, but the fresher the event is in your mind, the easier it will be to recall important details.
  • Do not sign any documents before consulting with your attorney. Unfortunately, many insurance companies do not prioritize a victim’s best interests and will attempt to engage with you directly. Doing so puts you in a position to potentially settle for much less than you deserve.
  • Some personal injury cases are time-consuming. Depending on the complexity of what took place, a case can last for much longer than an injury victim may anticipate–emphasizing the need for legal representation that truly understands the unique challenges that people in this situation face.

The recovery process can be difficult–and that’s exactly why I’m passionate about advocating for my personal injury clients and ensuring that they work through each step of their case with confidence and clarity. 

If you have any questions about personal injury claims or know someone who would benefit from empathetic, seasoned representation, do not hesitate to reach out to me. 

Call our office today at 508-755-3202 to speak with an attorney right away.

For more information on our office visit

Fall Safety Tips

Fall is officially here, and while some of us don’t like to see summer end, others can’t wait for pumpkin spice season. No matter which camp you belong to, there are some inherent dangers that come with the changing of the seasons. I thought it might be helpful to list some common fall injuries so you can do your best to avoid them. 

  1. Burns – Every year, the country sees a substantial amount of fire-related injuries due to fire pit or bonfire use. To help avoid this, the EPA has put out a list of ways to reduce your chances of injuries. In addition to fire pit and bonfire related injuries, leaf burning also carries some risk. Here are some safety tips for burning leaves that both protect you and protect the space around the burning site. 
  2. Running injuries – When the weather cools down, many will start jogging, either by habit or in the attempt to create a new one. In any case, uneven pavement or simple overuse can cause injuries. Make sure to run where there is plenty of light, and ease into your new routine to avoid injury. 
  3. Injuries caused by debris – Falling leaves, sticks, branches, and other debris caused by high autumn winds can wreak havoc. Leaves can cover potholes, ditches, and even sewers, causing individuals to fall. Be sure to watch where you step and take a second look at areas covered by leaves and other debris.
  4. Yard work – In addition to raking leaves, autumn also brings with it additional yard work that most of us avoid in the hotter months of the summer. From pulling weeds to cutting back bushes, many will find themselves laid up with back injuries and strains from doing too much in a day. Take it easy, take breaks, and try to space out your chores so you don’t overdo it. 
  5. Car accidents caused by school buses and drop off lines – With school back in session, you will no doubt come across stopped or slow-moving school buses, long drop off lines that extend into the main road, and children crossing the street. Be patient and leave extra time to get across town to allow for these delays. Being in a hurry puts you and the school children at risk.

I hope these tips help you protect you and your family this fall season. If you or anyone you know has been injured as a result of these (or other) issues, please don’t hesitate to reach out. 

Call our office today at 617-720-1101 to speak with an attorney right away.

For more information on our office visit

Post Accident Trauma Check-In

With traffic busier than ever, we want to share some information about post-accident trauma so you can know what to do if you or a loved one ever struggles with the mental and emotional effects of a car accident. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • According to the American Psychological Association, car accidents are the leading cause of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among the general (non-military) population.
  • Symptoms of PTSD after an accident include:
    • Ongoing feelings of uneasiness
    • Anxiety about driving or riding in a vehicle
    • Unwillingness to seek medical care
    • Feelings of stress, anger, or irritability 
    • Persistence nightmares or trouble sleeping
    • Ongoing flashbacks that are out of your control
  • If you have any of these symptoms after an automobile accident, I encourage you to see your physician and follow up with recommended specialists to receive treatment, just as you would with a physical injury. 

Also note that it is usually not in your best interest to immediately settle your accident case if you’re dealing with post-accident trauma. You and your team of health care providers need time to understand and diagnose the full scope of your injuries, including physical, emotional, and mental ailments.

If you experience are involved in an automobile accident, find out your options as soon as you can. Contact us today. Visit us at for more info, or call us at 617-720-1101.

Labor Day Road Trips – Accident Checklist

This summer has come with a rise in the number of drivers on the road far beyond pre-pandemic levels.

If you are planning a road trip this Labor Day weekend, we want you to feel in control and equipped as you head out—especially in the unfortunate event you find yourself in an auto accident this summer. To help, here’s a checklist of things for you to file away as you plan this year’s adventures:

  1. Stay calm. Check on the people in your vehicle, and call 911 if needed.
  2. Call the police and file a report. Take photos and videos of the scene if you’re able.
  3. Exchange contact information with the other driver(s) and witnesses.
  4. Contact your insurance company to file a claim and inquire about your coverage.
  5. Consult an attorney to assess whether you have a case against the at-fault driver.

An accident can certainly interrupt travel plans, but it doesn’t have to put an end to a road trip. If there are no significant injuries or damage to the vehicle, you can continue on your journey, knowing that your legal team is busy protecting you back home.

If you have legal questions or were unfortunately involved in a car accident, don’t wait to talk to a lawyer. Visit for how to contact us today.